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Bob's Photo Blog

About this photo blog

Welcome to Bob’s Photo Blog. Most of these pictures were taken by Bob. But not all. Some were taken by his wife, friends, or family. I’ll be typically generous with permissions, but please do contact Bob to get permission prior to using these photos for your own projects.

Otherwise, all rights reserved.

2020-05 Much needed solo trip to camp on Moosehead Lake. This dawn photo caught a V of Canadian Geese flying north towards Seboomook!
2019-10 Took a trip to Seattle for business. I’m a country boy, but this was a fun trip.
2019-10 Moose scouting and bird hunting, near Caucomgomoc Lake, the North Woods, Maine.
2018-07 A tidal pool, on the north end of Campobello Island, Canada.
2018-01 Webb Lake, taken from Blueberry Mountain Bible Camp during our Ignite youth group’s Fireside event.
2017-09 Acadia National Park, Maine. Near Thunder Hole.
2016-10 Chain of Ponds, Maine. Benedict Arnold came through here in 1775. I don’t think he was having as much fun.
2016-10 Bird hunting trip in northern Franklin County
2016-06 Kayaking at Big Dimmick Pond, Maine. The fishing got really good later in the day.
2015-09 On the shores of Moosehead Lake, Little W Township, Maine. My buddy Kendall and I still argue to this day who took this photo. I did, just in case he sees this.
2010-09 I took this photo sitting in my truck. This was on a moose hunting trip, but the trip was all over and we were heading out. The bull ran out of the bushes on the side of the road and nearly hit my Dad’s truck! They posed nice.
2006ish These are my boys at a young age, gathered on the dock at camp, Big W Township, Maine.
2005-09 A sunrise in front of camp, Big W Township, Maine. Photo credit: my brother Richard Berry, because there was no way I would be up at dawn.
2020-02 On top of the sledding mountain, volunteering for the Spruce Mountain Sled-In, Jay, Maine.
2018-07 A stone cairn, created by my wife and I, Campobello Island, Canada
2017-10 near Tim Pond, Maine. Kibby Mountain wind farm in the background.
2017-09 Bar Harbor, Maine, and it’s namesake. Don’t get caught with the tide coming in!
2017-09 Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, Maine. My wife is behind me, taking a close up pic of a flower. Clearly I took issue with it, but can’t remember why! 🙂
2016-10 Bird hunting trip in northern Franklin County
2016-10 Flagstaff Lake, Eustis, Maine. This is a popular spot on Maine Public Reserve Land, but I stayed the night nearby and got this morning photo.
2012-10 Grouse hunting in Big W Township, Maine.
2015-08 This is taken from Mount Tumbledown in Weld, Maine, looking generally easterly. Look closely and see my friend Kendall in a red shirt, center frame.
Date unknown. Mount Katahdin and Baxter State Park visible from somewhere in Big W Township. By the tree color, I suspect this was taken in October, probably while bird or moose hunting.
2004-07 This is Mount Katahdin’s knife edge, and in the middle of this picture, taken by I’m not sure who, is me, standing at the narrowest part, with one fist raised in victory. I hope my mom doesn’t see this photo.